Professional career
- 03/1995 - 07/2000
Scientific co-worker in the division of Nuclear Solid State Physics at the Universität Leipzig - 08/2000 - 07/2005
Scientific co-worker at the Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification e.V. (IOM) in Leipzig - since 08/2005
Radiation protection authorised person of the Universität Leipzig and technical staff member in the division of Nuclear Solid State Physics/Applied Quantum Systems at the Universität Leipzig
- 09/1989 - 02/1995
Study of physics at Universität Leipzig(Graduation as physicist (Diplom-Physiker)) - 09/2002 - 08/2004
Distance study of "Medical Physics and Engineering" at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern(Degree: Certificate)
- Präparation und Modifikation von Materialien mit Ionenstrahlen hoher lateraler AuflösungMeijer, Jan BerendDuration: 09/2013 – 08/2017Funded by: EU Europäische UnionInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Felix-Bloch-Institut für Festkörperphysik; Angewandte Quantensysteme
- Scheuner, C.; Jankuhn, S.; Vogt, J.; Pezzagna, S.; Trautmann, C.; Meijer, J. B.Nanometer collimation enhancement of ion beams using channeling effects in track-etched mica capillariesScientific Reports. 2017. pp. 17081:1–7.
- Becker, S.; Raatz, N.; Jankuhn, S.; John, R.; Meijer, J. B.Nitrogen implantation with a scanning electron microscopeScientific Reports. 2018. pp. 32:1–6.
- Wojciechowski, A. M.; Karadas, M.; Osterkamp, C.; Jankuhn, S.; Meijer, J. B.; Jelezko, F.; Huck, A.; Andersen, U. L.Precision temperature sensing in the presence of magnetic field noise and vice-versa using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamondApplied Physics Letters. 2018. pp. 013502:1–5.DOI: 10.1063/1.5026678
- Kirilina, E.; Helbling, S.; Morawski, M. et al.Superficial white matter imaging: Contrast mechanisms and whole-brain in vivo mappingScience Advances. 2020. 6 (41). pp. eaaz9281:1–14.
- Webb, J. L.; Troise, L.; Hansen, N. W.; Frellsen, L. F.; Osterkamp, C.; Jelezko, F.; Jankuhn, S.; Meijer, J. B.; Berg-Sørensen, K.; Perrier, J.-F.; Huck, A.; Andersen, U. L.High-Speed Wide-Field Imaging of Microcircuitry Using Nitrogen Vacancies in DiamondPhysical review applied. 2022. 17 (6). pp. 064051:1–17.
Quantum Technology 1 (12-PHY-BMWQT1)
The lecture covers the generation and application of ion beam techniques. In the area of ion implantation, the classical applications in the field of semiconductor technology are demonstrated and, at the same time, the fundamentals for understanding the application of ion beams for the generation of quantum mechanical systems are provided. Another focus of the lecture is to teach techniques of ion beam analysis.