With the English-language bachelor's course of study International Physics Studies Program (Honours) – in short B. Sc. IPSP (Honours) – you will obtain a first degree qualifying for a profession within eight semesters. The bachelor's course of study covers all important areas of modern experimental and theoretical physics and a sound mathematical education. You acquire basic knowledge of physical measurement processes in experiments that you carry out in laboratories. You complete your studies with a 23-week bachelor's thesis.

The contents presented here refer to our four-year bachelor's course of study B. Sc. IPSP (Honours). In this form, the study plan applies to students who began their studies in winter semester 2022/23 or later.

Attention: For applications from winter semester 2025/26 on, proof of knowledge of the German language at the level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference ​​is required.

enlarge the image: Experimental setup with Stirling engine
Stirling engine, Photo: Axel Märcker, Leipzig University

In our commitment to diversity, we welcome people of all backgrounds and cultures. We are particularly proud of the fact that more than 1500 students from 38 countries are currently studying in our German and international courses. For an international faculty like ours, diversity and inclusion are important resources for incorporating multifaceted approaches and ways of thinking into innovative teaching and research. We are therefore committed to cosmopolitan coexistence, where everyone is welcome regardless of origin, gender and religion.

Information on the Course of Study

Find out more about the requirements, contents and application for the course of study as well as the career prospects after the study here:


Online Self Assessment (OSA)

To support your choice of study, there is an Online Self Assessment (OSA) for the Bachelor International Physics Studies Program (Honours). With this self-test you can check your expectations, skills and interests and receive detailed feedback on how well the course suits you.

We recommend using the Online Self Assessment (OSA) for the B. Sc. IPSP (Honours) before your application.

Structure of the Course of Study

In the first semesters, you will learn basic experiments and theories and deepen your mathematical knowledge. Then there is a stronger focus on modern physics. This includes lectures on atomic and molecular physics, solid state physics, quantum mechanics and statistical physics. In the final phase you develop your individual specialization by chosing from a wide range of physics elective modules.

TP 1 – Classical Mechanics 1EP 1 – Mechanics Mathematics 1Elective Area 2
TP 2 – Electro­dynamics 1EP 2 – Thermo- and Electro­dynamicsIntroduction to Computer-based Physical ModellingMathematics 2 
TP 3 – Classical Mechanics 2 and Electro­dynamics 2EP 3 – Electro­magnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum PhysicsGeneral Physics Laboratory 1Mathematics 3 
TP 4 – Quantum MechanicsEP 4 – Atomic and Molecular PhysicsGeneral Physics Laboratory 2Order of Magnitude PhysicsElective Area 2
TP 5 – Statistical PhysicsEP 5 – Soft Matter  Elective Areas 1 and 2
 EP 6 – Solid State PhysicsAdvanced Departmental Lab 
Elective Area EP
Elective Area TP  Elective Areas 1 and HS
 Bachelor's Thesis and Colloquium 

The information on the module numbers and credit points can be found in the detailed overview.

Elective Areas

In the elective area EP you choose one module from the field of advanced experimental physics (ten CP). If desired, the other module can be credited in the physics-related electives (elective area 1).

Sem.Module No.Module TitleCP
612-PHY-MWPASMSoft Matter and Biological Physics10
712-PHY-MWPE1Advanced Solid State Physics10

In the elective area TP you choose one module from the field of advanced theoretical physics (ten CP). If desired, the other module can be credited in the physics-related electives (elective area 1).

Sem. Module No. Module Title CP
7 12-PHY-MWPT1 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 10
8 12-PHY-MWPT2 Advanced Statistical Physics 10

In the elective area HS, the focus is not only on imparting specialist knowledge, but also on developing and improving methodological skills. These are literature research, presentation skills and academic writing. You choose a module from the following compulsory elective modules.

You choose one module from the field of advanced seminars (five CP). If desired, another advanced seminar can be credited in the physics-related electives (elective area 1).

In each semester, aspects of current topics from the research areas of our departments are studied in the main seminars. Possible topics include: surface physics, magnetism and superconductors, biological physics, cell mechanics, molecular nanotechnology, quantum optics, quantum field theory, gravity, condensed matter theory, quantum theory of condensed matter, quantum statistical physics, complex systems and complex quantum systems.

Sem. Module No. Module Title CP
7/8 12-PHY-MWPSKM Specialised Topics of Solid State Physics 5
7/8 12-PHY-MWPSWM Specialised Topics of Soft Matter Physics 5
7/8 12-PHY-MWPSTP Specialised Topics of Theoretical Physics 5
7/8 12-PHY-MWPSMP Specialised Topics of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 5

The compulsory elective area 1 corresponds to the physics-related electives for modules totalling 40 CP. In the subsection Introduction into Specialisation you can choose modules totalling up to 25 CP from the following list. Please note, that not all modules can be offered once a year. You can find the current offer in our course catalogue.

Sem.Module No.Module TitleCP
5/712-PHY-BW3MO1Introduction to Photonics I5
5–812-PHY-BMWMO2Introduction to Polymer Physics5
5/712-PHY-BW3CS1Introduction to Computer Simulation I5
5/612-PHY-BMWEMBExperimental Methods of Biophysics5
5/712-PHY-BMWMED1Introduction to Medical Physics5
5/712-PHY-BW3HL1Semiconductor Physics I10
5/712-PHY-BW3HL2Laboratory Work in Semiconductors I5
5–812-PHY-BMWOFP1Surface Physics, Nanostructures and Thin Films5
5/712-PHY-BMWIOM2Plasma Physics, Thin Film Deposition and Characterisation5
6/812-PHY-BMWIOM3Microstructural Characterisation5
5/712-PHY-BMWQMATQuantum Matter5
5/712-PHY-BW3QN1Quantum Physics of Nanostructures5
5/712-PHY-BMWQT1Quantum Technology 15
6/812-PHY-BMWQTPRQuantum Technology – Lab Course5
5–812-PHY-BMWQS1Quantum Sensing5
5–812-PHY-BMWQC1Quantum Communication5
5/712-PHY-BW3MQ1Spin Resonance I5
5–812-PHY-BMWSUMFundamentals of Magnetism5
6/812-PHY-BW3SU1Superconductivity I5
6/812-PHY-BW3XAS1Stellar Physics5
6/812-PHY-BMWXAS2Stellar Physics Laboratory5
5/712-PHY-BMWXAS3Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology5
5/712-PHY-BMWXAS4Extragalactic Astronomy Laboratory5
5/712-PHY-BIOPLOpen Project Laboratory5
6/812-PHY-BMWQITQuantum Information Theory5
5–812-PHY-BMWMMEMathematical Methods of Modern Physics5

In the compulsory elective area 1 (physics-related electives), modules of the compulsory elective areas Experimental Physics and Theoretical Physics that have not yet been completed may also be chosen, but only one further module from the compulsory elective area Advanced Seminar.

The compulsory elective area 1 corresponds to the physics-related electives for modules totalling 40 CP. In the subsection Deepening the Specialisation you choose modules totalling at least 15 CP from the following list. Please note, that not all modules can be offered once a year. You can find the current offer in our course catalogue.

Sem.Module No.Module TitleCP
6/812-PHY-MWPSUM2Superconductivity II5
712-PHY-MWPSUM3Laboratory Superconductivity and Magnetism5
6/812-PHY-MWPSEF1X-ray Techniques5
6/812-PHY-MWPHLP3Semiconductor Physics II: Semiconductor Devices5
6/812-PHY-MWPHLP5Laboratory Work in Semiconductors II5
7–812-PHY-MWPHLP6Semiconductor Physics III: Semiconductor Optics (module runs over 2 semesters)5
6/812-PHY-MWPAMR1Magnetic Resonance and Imaging in Soft-Matter5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPMQ3Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPMQ4Electronic Spin Resonance Laboratory5
712-PHY-MWPKP1Nuclear Physics5
812-PHY-MWPXT2Particle Physics5
6/812-PHY-MWPQT2Quantum Technology 25
712-PHY-MWPQT3Quantum Technology 35
6/812-PHY-MWPMON3Active Matter Physics5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPGFPPhysics of Nanoporous Materials5
712-PHY-MWPEMSPSingle-Molecule Spectroscopy5
712-PHY-MWPM1Cellular Biophysics 15
6/812-PHY-MWPM3Cellular Biophysics 25
712-PHY-MWPPOC1Physics of Cancer I5
6/812-PHY-MWPPOC2Physics of Cancer II5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTKS1Stochastic Processes in Physics, Biology and Earth Sciences10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTKS2Non-linear Dynamics and Pattern Formation10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTKS3Practical Course: Complex Systems5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTKM3Theory of Soft and Bio Matter10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTKM4Practical Course: Condensed Matter Theory5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPCQM1Practical Course: Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPCQM2Physics of Driven and Open Quantum Systems5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPCQM3Geometry and Topology in Quantum Matter5
712-PHY-MWPQFG1General Relativity10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPQFG3Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space Times10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPQFG6Practical Course: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity5
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTET4Relativistic Quantum Field Theory10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPSTP1Quantum Field Theory of Many-Particle Systems10
7/812-PHY-MWPSTP2Statistical Mechanics of Deep Learning10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPTKM5Practical Course: Quantum Statistical Physics5
6/812-PHY-MWPMMP1Black Holes10
6/7/812-PHY-MWPXT1Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics10

In the compulsory elective area 1 (physics-related electives), modules of the compulsory elective areas Experimental Physics and Theoretical Physics that have not yet been completed may also be chosen, but only one further module from the compulsory elective area Advanced Seminar.

The elective area 2 corresponds to the non-physics electives. Here you choose modules with a total of 20 CP. We recommend the following modules. You can choose modules with a total of ten CP from the entire range of modules at our university.

Sem. Module No. Module Title CP
1 12-PHY-BIPC Introduction to Chemistry 5
4 12-PHY-BIWNUM Numerical Methods in Physics 5
5–8 12-PHY-BIEPP External Project Oriented Cours – Subject-related Key Qualification 5
4/6/8 12-SQM-63 Women in STEM 5
1/3/5 12-SQM-64 Sustainable Development – Risk Assessment, Methods and Models* or 5
1/3/5 12-PHY-BMWBNE1 Action Competence for Sustainable Development – Fundamental Module* 10

Non-physical elective subject from the entire range of modules at Leipzig University


*Only one of the two modules 12-SQM-64 and 12-PHY-BMWBNE1 can be completed in this course of study. Teaching language is German.

You would like to take German-language modules and your German language skills are below the level A2? In this case, we recommend the following language courses depending on your previous knowledge:

Sem. Module No. Module Title CP
1 30-PHY-BIPSQ1 German Course A1.1 5
4 30-PHY-BIPSQ2 German Course A1.2 5
5 30-PHY-BIPSQ3 German Course A2 5