This page covers different courses taught by the members of our group.
Day | Time | Course | Place |
Tuesday | 11:00-12:00 | ||
Wednesday | 16:00–17:00 | Leipzig Spin Resonance Colloquium | zoom |
Thursday | 15:15–16:45 | BLH |
Physics (B.Sc.) 12-PHY-MWPMQ3
In this practical lab course the students learn to independently conduct spin resonance experiments. In particular, they:
- Become familiar with or deepen their knowledge in the theoretical concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and acquire practical knowledge in the application of NMR spectroscopy in the fields of solid-state physics, soft-matter and materials science;
- Deepen their practical knowledge by applying selected NMR methods, including NMR spectroscopy, relaxometry, diffusometry, imaging and cryoporometry.
The module is recommended for M.Sc.and B.Sc. students.
- Abragam A., Principles of nuclear magnetism
- Slicter C. P., Principles of magnetic resonance
- Levitt M., Spin dynamics
- Callaghan P. T., Translational Dynamics & Magnetic Resonance
Physics (B.Sc.) 12-PHY-BW3MQ1
The main goals of this course, composed of the lectures and seminars, are to give:
- an overview of various applications of magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance based quantum technology
- theoretical and experimental basis basics of spin magnetic resonance
- deepen your knowledge in quantum mechanics and thermodynamics in context of magnetic resonancne
The module is recommended for M.Sc.and B.Sc. students.
- Abragam A., Principles of nuclear magnetism
- Slicter C. P., Principles of magnetic resonance
- Levitt M., Spin dynamics
- Callaghan P. T., Translational Dynamics & Magnetic Resonance
Physics (M.Sc.) 12-PHY-MWPMQ2
The main goals of this course, composed of the lectures and seminars, are to give:
- an overview of various applications of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
- basics of nuclear magnetic relaxation processes
- insights into diffusion processes and diffusion measurements in soft-matter systems using gradient NMR
- basic understanding of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- first on-hand experience with experimental NMR
The module is recommended for M.Sc., B.Sc. IPSP and M.Sc. IPSP students.
- Callaghan, P. T., Translational Dynamics & Magnetic Resonance
- Haacke, M. E. et al., Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design
- Kimmich, R., NMR: Tomography, Diffusometry, Relaxometry
Physics (M.Sc.) 12-PHY-MWPGFP
In this module different aspects of nanoporous materials are discussed including:
- nanoporous solids with ordered and disordered pore structures
- basic properties and applications
- characterization of porous solids
- confinement effects on phase transition and transport
- lab experiments on NMR characterisation of porous solids
The module is recommended for M.Sc., B.Sc. IPSP and M.Sc. IPSP students.
Module Physics (B. Sc.): 12-PHY-BIPEP1
Schedule for the module Experimental Physics I
Tuesday | Friday |
11:15–12:45 Big Lecture Hall | 11:15–12:45 Big Lecture Hall |
The lecture notes
2 MB in a book format may cover selected topics discussed in the lectures.
In the following table you can find our lecture topics for this semester and suggestions for self-study.
Topic | Self-study |
Introduction | |
Motion along a line | Equation of motion, integral form |
Scalars and vectors | Dot and cross products, properties |
Motion in 2D and 3D | Circular motion, relative motion |
Laws of motion | Coriolis forces |
Work energy | Virial theorem |
System of particles, center of mass, collisions | Restitution coefficient, astroblaster |
Rotational motion: Basics, angular momentum | Physics of tippe top, inertia tensor |
Static equlibrium | Ladder problem |
Gravity | Motion along elliptical orbits |
Fluid mechanics | Dynamics of capillary rise |
Oscillations | Damped driven oscillations |
Waves | Standing waves |
Office Hours
There will be no specific office hours, instead you may arrange a meeting by sending me e-mail.
Exercise seminars
There will be seminars for 3 groups of students:
Exercise sheets
The home tasks will be uploaded to Moodle. The solutions should be submitted via Moodle.
- For each problem solved, a certain number of points (as indicated at the end of each task) will be credited
- The sum of all points acquired earned by a student during the semester must be at least 50% of the maximal possible number
The list with the homework grades
There will be a written examination at the end of the course (~ 3 hours) – to obtain permission all students should attend seminars and solve at least 50 percent of the homework tasks.
Any question related to permission, grades, or the ones related to the content may be arranged on a personal basis.
Examination: XX.XX.XX, XX:XX - XX:XX
Re-examination: XX.XX.XX, XX:XX - XX:XX
Physics (B.Sc.): 12-PHY-BIPEP2
TUE 11:15 -12:45 Zoom Hall
FR 11:15 - 12:45 Zoom Hall
Experimental Physics II, IPSP, SS24
Moodle will exclusively be used for seminars. To subscribe you need a password, which is also sent via Alma-Web. All homework tasks will be uploaded there, the solutions need to be submitted via Moodle. There you will also have the options to communicate with the teaching assistants.
The lecture slides and lecture notes will be posted on this web-page.
The lecture notes
2 MB in a book format will be updated after each topic covered.
Fundamentals of Physics (Halliday, Resnick, Walker)
Book series from W. Demtröder
Kompaktkurs Physik (Pfeiffer, Schmiedel, Stannarius)
All solutions need to be uploaded in Moodle, the deadlines for each seminars are indicated there.
- for each problem solved, a certain number of points (as indicated at the end of each task) will be credited
- the sum of all points earned by a student during the semester must be at least 50% of the maximal possible number
Teaching assistants:
- Ulrich Kemper - Thursdays, 11:15, Room 532
- Georgiy Baroncha - Tuesdays, 17:15, Room 532
Final results
84 KB - Seminars Experimental Physics II - only students having more than 50% are admitted
Any questions related to admission, grades, or that concerning the lecture topics may be discussed by arranging a meeting, preferably via e-mail.
Test examination
Examination Date: 15.07 13:00 - 16:00
Re-examination: 16.09 13:00 - 16:00
Electromagnetic Waves and Basics of Quantum Physics
MON 11:00 -12:30 Large Lecture Hall
THU 11:00 -12:30 Large Lecture Hall
The lecture slides and lecture notes will be posted on this web-page.
The lecture notes in a book format will be updated after each topic covered.
Topic | Slides | Notes |
AC Circuits | Reactances; phase shifts; power; complex impedance; Kirchoff's rules for AC circuits; examples | |
Electromagnetic oscillations | Energy conversation; damped, damped driven, and coupled oscillations | |
Maxwell's equations | EMW in cables, displacement current, EMW in empty space, Maxwell's equations, energy and sources of EMW | |
Geometric optic | Geometric vs. wave optic | |
Reflection and refraction | Brewster's law, boundary conditions, Fresnels equations, reflection and transmission coefficients | |
Ray optics | Images, Mirrors, Lenses | |
Basics of interference | Basics, two point-like sources, thin films, interferometers, multi-ray interference | |
Basics of diffraction | Fresnel zones, diffraction on a hole, Babinet's principle, diffraction grating | |
Light quanta | Light quanta, photoelectric current, Compton scattering | |
Black-body radiation | Equilibrium radiation, adiabatic invariants, cavity model, RJ law, Planck's radiation equation | |
Atomic models | Atomic models due to Thomson and Rutherford, spectral lines, Bohr's model, Frank-Hertz experiment | |
Matter waves | de Broigle waves, uncertainty principle | |
Schrödinger equation | Derivation, properties, potential walls and barriers | |
Quantisation of energy | Potential wells, Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, the correspondence principle for QHO |
Teaching assistants:
Group A: Stefan Tsankov, Mondays 15:15, Room 225
Group B: Carlotta Ficorella, Tuesdays 15:15, Room 218
Exercise sheets:
The exercises will be uploaded to Moodle (more details come later).
Solutions shall be uploaded in Moodle too, the deadlines for each seminars are indicated there.
- for each problem solved, a certain number of points (as indicated at the end of each task) will be credited
- the sum of all points earned by a student during the semester must be at least 50% of the maximal possible number
EXAMINATION: Mo, 21. Feb. 2022 09:00-12:00
Second examination: 28.03.2022, 09:00 - 12:00
Some exemplary examination tasks
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Monday: 11:15 -12:45 - Large Lecture Hall
Thursday: 11:15 -12:45 - Large Lecture Hall
Topic | Notes | Experiment |
Spehrically symmetric potential | LS0 | |
Operators | LS1 | |
Hydrogen atom, radial distribution, magnetism | LS2 | |
Spin-orbit coupling, fine structure, anomalous Zeeman effect | LS3 | |
Selection rules | LS4 | |
Atomic shells with several electrons | LS5 | |
Diatomic molecules, Chemical bonds, Molecular spectroscopy | LS6 | |
Basics of polymer physics | LS7 | |
The lecture notes in a book format (may and will subject to updates, currently version from 6.7.23).
- Demtröder, Wolfgang "Atoms, Molecules and Photons", Springer 2010
- Alonso, Finn "Physics" Addison-Wesley Longman 1992
- C.J. Foot "Atomic Physics", Oxford Master Series 2005
- R. Johnes "Soft Condensed Matter", Oxford Master Series 2002
- M. Doi "Soft Matter Physics", Oxford University Press 2013
- Expectation values for rk for hydrogen atom
191 KB
Teaching assistants:
Place: Seminar Rooms:
The solutions need to be submitted electronically using Moodle ( You need to find there Experimental Physics 4, IPSP (xxxxxxxxxxx), the subscription is password protected, the password will be send to everyone via AlmaWeb. The exercises will be uploaded there and the deadline for submission of the solutions will be indicated.
- For each problem solved, a certain number of points (as indicated at the end of each task) will be credited
- The sum of all points earned by a student during the semester must be at least 50% of the maximal possible number
Any questions related to admission, grades, or lecture content may be inquired per e-mail.
The list of students admitted.
An example of a typical examination sheet may be found here: Trial examination (solutions)
Date: 31.07.23, 9:00 - 12:00
Place: Big Lecture Hall
Post-trial exam
Date: 25.09.23