On these pages you will find the course programme M.Sc. Meteorology for compulsory and elective modules of the summer semester.

2nd Semester

In the 2nd semester you will take

  • the compulsory modules P3, P4,
  • one module each from the (compulsory) elective area General Meteorology, Experimental Meteorology, Theoretical Meteorology and
  • and one module from the (compulsory) elective area Physics
  • You will take the lecture „Advanced Weather Discussions" (2 CHW) and the exercise „Advanced Weather Discussions" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min; weighting ×1)
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises to prepare weather projection for different locations. Points are awarded for the projections. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the examination.

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch

  • Advanced Weather Discussions – lecture
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch, Thomas Hain
    time: Thu 1:45 – 3:15 p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 10/04/2025
  • Advanced Weather Discussions – exercise
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch, Thomas Hain
    time: Thu 12:55 – 1:40 p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 10/04/2025
  • You will take the lecture „Dynamics of the Global Climate System" (je 2 CHW) and the exercise „Dynamics of the Global Climate System" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral exam (30 min; weighting ×1)
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas /Dr. Jan Kretzschmar

  • Dynamics of the Global Climate System – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
    time: We 10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 9 April – 7 May and 28 May – 11 June
  • Dynamics of the Global Climate System – exercise
    lecturers: Dr. Jan Kretzschmar
    time: We 12:00 p.m. – 01:30 p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 09/04/25

Lecture announcement

4th Semester

The thesis must normally be completed alongside the candidate's degree studies during the fourth semester

  • You will tak the lecture „Current Research in Meteorology“ (1 SWS) and the seminar „Current Research in Meteorology" (2 SWS).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min; weighting ×1)

Module Responsibility: JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel / JP Dr. Marlene Kretschmer

  • You will take the lecture „Advanced Scientific Working in Meteorology“ (1 CHW) and the seminar „Advanced Scientific Working in Meteorology“ (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written report (12 weeks; weighting ×1)

Module responsibility: JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel, JP Dr. Marlene Kretschmer

  • The topic of the Master's thesis will be released to the examination candidate by the Examination Board at his/her request at the end of the lecture period in the third semester at the latest.
  • The Master's thesis must be completed within a period of 23 weeks
  • The period in which the Master's thesis must be completed can normally be extended by up to 6 weeks by the Examination Board at the request of the student for reasons for which he/she is not responsible and on the basis of a statement submitted by the student's thesis supervisor. The request must be submitted to the Examination Board no later than one month before the end of the processing period of the thesis.
  • In the 3rd semester of the Master‘s course you attend the seminars in the modules P5 - Meteorological Research (10 LP) and P6 - Meteorological Working Methods (10 LP). Both seminars include an intensive study of study and familiarization with a meteorological research topic.
  • You can combine this research topic, which covers both seminars, with your master thesis. Master's theses, which emerge from the modules P5 and P6 are highlighted in the list of topics.
  • All other master‘s thesis topics can be chosen at your own option.
  • List of topics

Elective area – General Meteorology

Two modules have to be selected from the meteorological elective courses General Meteorology (A1 – A7) in the scope of 10 CP.

  • You will take the lecture „Polar Climate“ (2 CHW) und das Seminar „Polar Climate" (1 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min; weighting ×1)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Heike Kalesse-Los


  • You will take the lecture „Cloud Physics“ (2 CHW) and the exercise „Cloud Physics" (1 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting): Written exam (60 min; weighting ×1)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Andreas Macke

  • Cloud Physics – lecture
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Andreas Macke, Frank Stratmann, Dr. Heike Wex, Dr. Susann Hartmann
    time: Mo 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 07/04/2025
  • Cloud Physics – exercise
    lectureres: Prof. Dr. Andreas Macke, Frank Stratmann, Dr. Heike Wex, Dr. Susann Hartmann
    time: Mo 4:45 p.m.– 5:30 p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 12/04/2024

Elective Area – Experimental Meteorology

Two modules have to be selected from the meteorological elective courses Experimental Meteorology (E1 – E5) and 12-GEO-M-DS01 in the scope of 10 CP.

  • You will take the lecture „Upper Atmosphere“ (2 CHW) and the practical course „Upper Atmosphere" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi

  • Upper Atmosphere – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi
    time: We 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
    room: Vilhelm Bjernkes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 08/04/25
  • Upper Atmosphere – practical course
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi
    time: block
    room: Vilhelm Bjernkes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
  • You will take the lecture „Spaceborne Remote Sensing“ (2 CHW) and the exercise „Spaceborne Remote Sensing" (1 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting): written exam (60 min; weighting ×1)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Andreas Macke

  • Ground-based Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andreas Macke
    time: Tue 09:15 –10:45 p.m.
    room: seminar room 1, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 08/04/2025
  • Ground-based Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing – seminar
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Andreas Macke, Dr. Hartwig Deneke
    time: Tue 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (14-daily)
    room: seminar room 1, Stephanstraße 3
    start 08/04/2025
  • You will take the lecture „Machine learning for Earthe System“ (2 CHW) and the excercise „Data analysis - statistical and machine learing" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1

Module responsibility: JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel

  • Machine learning for Earth Systems – lecture
    lecturer: JP Sebastian Sippel
    time: Mo 08:15 a.m. –9:45 a.m.
    room: lecture hall 2, Talstraße 35
  • Data analysis - statistical and machine learning – exercise
    lecturer: JP Sebastian Sippel
    time: Mo 10:00 a.m.– 11:30 a.m.
    room: lecture hall 2, Talstraße 35

Elective Area – Theoretical Meteorology

Two modules have to be selected from the meteorological elective courses Experimental Meteorology (T1 – T7) in the scope of 10 CP.

  • You will take the lecture „Atmospheric Models: Parameterizations and Scales“ (2 CHW) the practical course „Atmospheric Models: Parameterizations and Scales" (1 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting): written exam (60 min; weighting ×1)

Modul responsibility: Prof. Dr. Ina Tegen

  • Atmospheric Models: Parameterizations and Scales – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ina Tegen
    time: Fr 09:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
    room: TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
  • Atmospheric Models: Parameterizations and Scales – practical course
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ina Tegen
    time: Fr 10:30 – 13:30 Uhr
    room: TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
  • You will take the lecture „Terrestrial Radiative Transfer“ (2 CHW) and the practical course „Terrestrial Radiative Transfer" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written reports for the experiments of the practical course (4 weeks; weighting ×1)

Modul responsibility: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch

  • Terrestrial Radiative Transfer – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
    time: Fr 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
  • Terrestrial Radiative Transfer – practical course
    lecturer: Dr. André Ehrlich
    time: block
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
  • You will take the lecture „Data Assimilation“ (2 CHW) and the practical course „Data Assimilation" (1 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report for the experiments of the practical course (4 weeks); weighting ×1

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas

  • Data Assimilation – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
    time: We 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
    room: seminar room 1, Stephanstraße 3
    start: 09/04/2025
  • Data Assimilation – practical course
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
    time: We 3:30 p.m – 4:15 p.m.
    room: seminar room 1 Stephanstraße 3
  • You will take the lecture „Radiative Transfer Lab“ (1 CHW) and the practical course „Radiative Transfer Lab" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1

Module responsibility: JP Marlene Kretschmer, JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel

Elective area – physics

One module with a capacity of 8 credits must be selected (elective area – physics), either from this list of modules from the German Bachelor's programme Physik

  • Experimentalphysik 3 – Optik und Quantenphysik (12-PHY-BPEP3) (winter semester),
  • Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie (12-PHY-BPEP4),
  • Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik (12-PHY-BEP5) (winter semester),
  • Theoretische Physik 1 – Theoretische Mechanik“ (12-PHY-BTP1) (winter semester),
  • Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik“ (12-PHY-BTP2),
  • Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik“ (12-PHY-BTP3) (winter semester),
  • Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie (12-PHY-BTP4)

or from this list of modules from the English Bachelor’s programme Physik im International Physics Studies Program (IPSP):

  • Experimental Physics 3 – Elektromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Phyics (12-PHY-BIEP3) (winter semester),
  • Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP1)* (winter semester),
  • Theoretical Physics 2 – Elektrodynamics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP2)*,
  • Theoretical Physics 4 – Quantum Mechanics (12-PHY-BIPTP4),
  • Theoretical Physics 5 – Statistical Physics (12-PHY-BIPTP5) (winter semester).

*Students who have already completed the module “Mathematische Methoden - Methoden der klassischen Physik” (12-PHY-BMAME1) in the Bachelor's program cannot select the modules Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP1) and Theoretical Physics 2 – Elektrodynamics 1  (12-PHY-BIPTP2) .

Modules that have already been taken in the Bachelor's degree programme are excluded.

Modules from the German Bachelor's degree programme Physics

  • You will take the lecture „Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie“ (4 CHW) and the exercise Übung „Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting): written exam 180 min
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Johannes Geiglmayr, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mayr

  • Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie – Vorlesung
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Johannes Deiglmayr, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mayr
    time: Mo 09:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
    room: large lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
    language: german
  • Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie – Vorlesung
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Johannes Deiglmayr, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mayr
    time: Thu 09:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
    room: large lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
    language: german
  • Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie – Übung 1
    lecturers: tbd.
    time: Tu 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
    room: room 532, Linnéstraße 5
    language: german
  • Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie – Übung 2
    lecturers: tbd.
    time: Tu 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
    room: room 532, Linnéstraße 5
    language: german
  • You will take the lecture „Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik" (4 CHW) and the seminar „Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting): written exam 180 min
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch

  • Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik – Vorlesung
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch
    time: Mo 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
    room: Theoretical lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
    language: german
  • Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik – Vorlesung
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch
    time: We 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
    room: Theoretical lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
    language: german
  • Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik  – Übung 1
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch, Dr. Albert Much
    time: tdb.
    room: tdb.
    language: german
  • Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik  – Übung 2
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch, Dr. Albert Much
    time: tdb.
    room: tdb.
    language: german
  • Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik  – Übung 3
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch, Dr. Albert Much
    time: tdb.
    room: tdb.
    language: german
  • You will take the lecture „Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie" (4 CHW) and the seminar „Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration; weighting): written exam 180 min
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine

  • Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie – Vorlesung
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine
    time: We 09:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
    room: seminar room 210, Brüderstraße 16
    language: german
  • Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie – Vorlesung
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine
    time: Fr 09:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
    Raum: seminar room 210, Brüderstraße 16
    language: german
  • Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie  – Übung
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine
    time: tbd
    room: seminar room 210, Brüderstraße 16
    language: german

Modules from the English Bachelor’s programme Physik im International Physics Studies Program (IPSP)

  • You will take take lecture „Theoretical Physics 2 – Elektrodynamics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP2)*“ (4 CHW) and the exersice „Theoretical Physics 2 – Elektrodynamics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP2)*" (2 CHW)).
  • Examinations (duration and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (180 min)
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Module responsibility: Dr. Marc Casals

  • Theoretical Physics 2 – Electrodynamics 1 – lecture
    lecturer: Dr. Marc Casals
    time: Mo 1.15 p.m. – 2.45 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 1, Talstraße 35
    Theoretical Physics 2 – Electrodynamics 1 – lecture
    lecturer: Dr. Marc Casals
    time: Thu 1.15 p.m. – 2.45 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 1, Talstraße 35
    Theoretical Physics 2 – Electrodynamics 1 –  exercise 1
    lecturer: Dr. J. Zahn
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.
    Theoretical Physics 2 – Electrodynamics 1 –  exercise 2
    lecturer: M. Thamm
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.
    Theoretical Physics 2 – Electrodynamics 1 –  exercise 3
    lecturer: M. Thamm
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.
  • You will take the lecture „Theoretical Physics 4 – Quantum Mechanics (12-PHY-BIPTP4)“ (4 CHW) and the seminar „TTheoretical Physics 4 – Quantum Mechanics (12-PHY-BIPTP4)" (2 CHW).
  • Examinations (duration and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (180 min)
  • Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Module responsibility:  Prof. Ph D. Steffen Hollands

  • Theoretical Physics 4 - Quantum Mechanics – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Ph.D. Steffen Hollands
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.
  • Theoretical Physics 4 - Quantum Mechanics – lecture
    lecturer: tbd.
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.
  • Theoretical Physics 4 - Quantum Mechanics –  exercise 1
    lecturer: C. Iuliano
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.
  • Theoretical Physics 4 - Quantum Mechanics – exercise 2
    lecturer: Dr. Jahn Zahn
    time: tbd.
    room: tbd.


  • The free elective area makes up 10 LP.
  • We explicitly recommend the following modules.
SemesterModule IDModule titleCP
  • from the course programme M. Sc. Meteorology (English):
    two additional modules from the compulsory elective area of the course programme M.Sc. Meteorology (A1 ... A7, T1 ... T6, E1 ... E5).
  • from the course programme B. Sc. Geographie (only in German!)
winter12-GGR-B-PG01AGrundlagen der Physischen Geographie/Geoökologie I – Gestein und Relief5
winter12-GGR-B-PG09Biosphäre und Umweltwandel5
winter12-GGR-B-GF05Einführung in die Geoinformatik10
summer12-GGR-B-PG02Boden und Analyse von Geosystemen10
summer12-GGR-B-GF04Grundlagen der Fernerkundung5
  • from the course programme Geoscience as minor subjects (only in German!)
summer12-GGR-NFM-01Allgemeine Geowissenschaften 10
  • from the course programme M. Sc. Geographie: 
winter12-GGR-M-PG02Umweltbezogene Geoökologische Standortbewertung5
winter12-GGR-M-PG06NAngewandte Spezialgebiete der Physischen Geographie5
summer12-GGR-M-PG02MEnvironmental Geophysics5
  • from the course programme Earth System Data Science and Remote Sensing:
winter12-GEO-M-RS01Remote Sensing Products for Earth Research5
winter12-GEO-M-SK01Research Data Managment and Social Responsibility5
winter12-GEO-M-DS04Data Analysis in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing5
winter12-GEO-M-AG02Earth System Components5
winter12-GEO-M-DS03Applied Data Analysis of Earth-Surface Processes5
summer12-GEO-M-SK02Scientific Writing5
summer12-GEO-M-DS02Spatio-temporal Data5
summer12-GEO-M-RS02Ground Truthing5
  • Modules which have been finished during the bachelor studies are excluded.
  • Further modules of the University Leipzig can be approved by the Examination Board upon request as long as the lecturers accept students from the M.Sc. Meteorology. Please make an appointment with the student advisory service of the institute in advance.
  • Module registration

Geosystemanalyse, Methoden und Bewertung (12-GGR-B-PG02)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer

  • Geosystemanalyse, Methoden und Bewertung – Vorlesung
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer, Dr. Hans von Suchodoletz, rof. Dr. Claudia Guimares-Steinke, Dr. Birgit Schneider
    time:  Tue 3:15 p.m. – 14:45 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 01, Talstraße 35
    language: german
  • Datenaufnahme und –auswertung (Gelände) – Wasser und Vegetation
    Excercise A
    lecturer: Dr. Hans von Suchodoletz
    Fr 16.05/Sa 17.05., ganztägig, Taucha
    Excercise B
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Guimares-Steinke
    Fr 16.05/Sa 17.05., ganztägig, Taucha
    Excercise C
    lecturer:: Dr. Anne Köhler
    Fr 16.05/Sa 17.05., ganztägig, Taucha
    Excercise D 
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer
    Fr 16.05/Sa 17.05., ganztägig, Taucha
  • Datenaufnahme und –auswertung (Gelände) - Boden
    Excercise A
    lecturer:: Dr. Hans von Suchodoletz
    Fr 09.05., ganztägig, Bodenkartierung Taucha
    Fr 27.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Sa 28.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Excercise B
    lecturer: Dr. Annett Kaldisch; Michael Hein
    Fr 09.05., ganztägig, Bodenkartierung Taucha
    Fr 27.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Sa 28.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Excercise C
    lecturers: Dr. Hans von Suchodoletz, Ema Zwara
    Fr 09.05., ganztägig, Bodenkartierung Taucha
    Fr 27.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Sa 28.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Excercise D
    lecturers: Dr. Annett Kaldich, Michael Seidel
    Fr 09.05., ganztägig, Bodenkartierung Taucha
    Fr 27.05., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
    Sa 28.06., ganztägig Boden-Exkursion Mitteldeutschland
  • Datenaufnahme und –auswertung (Labor)
    Excercise A
    lecturers: Dr. Birgit Schneider, Marie Kaniecki
    Tu 10.06., 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr, Lab, Johanissallee 19
    Tu 10.06., 13:30 – 17:00 Uhr, SR 0.06, Johannisalle 19a
    Excercise B
    lecturer: Dr. Birgit Schneider
    We 11.06., 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr, Lab, Johanissallee 19
    We 11.06., 13:30 – 17:00 Uhr, SR 0.06, Johannisalle 19a
    Excercise C
    lecturers: Dr. Birgit Schneider, Dr. Anne Köhler
    Thu 12.06., 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr, Lab, Johanissallee 19
    Thu 12.06., 13:30 – 17:00 Uhr, SR 0.06, Johannisalle 19a
    Excercise D
    lecturers Dr. Birgit Schneider
    Fr 13.06.,  08:00 – 13:00 Uhr, Lab, Johanissallee 19
    Fr 13.06.,  13:30 – 17:00 Uhr, SR 0.06, Johannisalle 19a

Grundlagen der Fernerkundung (12-GGR-B-GF04)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland

  • Grundlagen der Fernerkundung – Techniken und Verfahren der fernerkundlichen Erdbeobachtung – Vorlesung
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
    time: Tue11:15 – 12:45 a.m.
    room: lecture hall 01, Talstraße 35
    language: german
  • Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten – Übung A
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
    time: Tue 1:15 – 12:45 p.m.
    room: CP III,  Talstraße 35
    language: german
  • Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten – Übung B
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
    time: Tue 1:15 – 2:45 p.m.
    room: CP III,  Talstraße 35
    language: german
  • Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten – Übung C
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
    time: We 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 a.m.
    room: CP III,  Talstraße 35
    language: german

Geographische Informationssysteme – Modelle und Analysen (12-GGR-M-GFP2)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha  

  • Geoinformationssysteme – Modelle und Analysen – Vorlesung
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha, Guido Kraemer
    time: Thu 09:15 – 10:15 a.m.
    room: CP III, Talstraße 35
    language: german
  • Geoinformationssysteme – Modelle und Analysen – Seminar
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha, Guido Kraemer
    time: Thu 10:45 – 11:45 a.m.
    room: CP III, Talstraße 35
    language: german
  • The valid study documents for the B.Sc. Geography degree programme apply.
  • You can register for the modules of the elective area Geography by e-mail from your university email address. The following information is required: Surname, first name, matriculation number and degree programme. The valid study documents for the B.Sc. Geography degree programme apply.

Geographische Informationssysteme (12-GGR-M-GFP2)

Module responsibility: JP Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni, Dr. Azra Khosravichenar

  • Environmental Geophysical Site Assessment – lecture
    lecturers: JP Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni, Dr. Azra Khosravichenar
    time: Tu 09:15 a.m.– 10:15 a.m.
    room: lecture hall 1, Talstraße 35
  • Environmental Geophysical Site Assessment and Applied Geophysical Methods – Excercise A
    lecturers: JP Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni, Dr. Azra Khosravichenar
    time:  Tu 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 1, Talstraße 35
  • Environmental Geophysical Site Assessment and Applied Geophysical Methods – Excersice B
    lecturers JP Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni, Dr. Azra Khosravichenar
    time: Tu 1:00 p.m. – 3 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 1, Talstraße 35

Scientific Writing (12-GEO-M-SK02)

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha  

  • Publishing in Science – seminar
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha  
    time: Thu 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
    room: seminar room 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
  • Scientific Writing – exercise
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha  
    time: Thu 12:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
    room: seminar room 0.06, Johannisallee 19a

Spatio-temporal Data (12-GEO-M-DS02)

Modul responsibility: Dr. Guido Kraemer

  • Spatio-temporal Data in Earth System Sciences – seminar
    lecturer: Dr. Giudo Kraemer
    time: Thu 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
    room: seminar room 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
  • Scientific Writing – exercise
    lecturer: Dr. Giudo Kraemer
    time: Thu 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    room: seminar room 0.06, Johannisallee 19a

Ground Truthing (12-GEO-M-DS02)

Module responsibility:  Prof. Dr. Claudia Guimaraes-Steinicke

  • Sampling Design & Ground Truthing in Remote Sensing – lecture
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Guimaraes-Steinicke
    time: Tu 12:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 2, Talstraße 35
  • Field Techniques in Remote Sensing – excersice
    lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Guimaraes-Steinicke
    time: Tu 1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
    room: lecture hall 2, Talstraße 35

Allgemeine Geowissenschaften (12-GGR-NFM-01)

Module responsibility: Dr. Katharina Melthner

  • Einführung in die Geologie – lecture
    lecturers: Dr. Katharina Melthner
    time: Tu 09:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
    room: seminar romm 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
  • Gesteinskunde: Bestimmung, Entstehung und Nutzung von Gesteinen – Seminar
    lecturer:  Dr. Katharina Melthner
    time: We 1:15 a.m. – 2:45 a.m.
    Raum: seminar romm 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
  • Geologische Arbeitsmethoden mit Geländepraktikum – Übung 
    lecturers: Prof. Dr. Thomas Brachert, Dr. Katharina Melthner
    time: tbd.
    room: outoor
  • In den Übungen Geologische Arbeitsmethoden werden die Grundlagen zur selbstständigen geologischen Geländearbeit vermittelt sowie die Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Darstellung der erfassten Daten. Das im Kurs Erlernte wird in Form von Aufgaben geübt. In den Geologischen Gelände-Übungen (3 Tage) werden unter Anleitung Geländebefunde erfasst und in einen regionalgeologischen Rahmen gestellt. Die Dokumentation und Bewertung von Geländebefunden werden mit Berichten geübt.
  • In die Module des Wahlbereiches Geowissenschaften schreiben Sie sich per E-Mail von Ihrer Uni-E-Mail-Adresse aus im oben angegebenen Zeitraum ein. Folgende Angaben sind dafür notwendig: Name, Vorname, Matrikelnummer und Studiengang.

All Semester

  • In addition to the compulsory and elective modules, we offer you further courses to consolidate and deepen our study content.
  • The Leipziger Meteorologische Kolloquium und the PhD Talks are common series of meetings of the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology and the Institute of Tropospheric research.
  • We recommend the attendance at this events/lecures.

To consolidate and deepen the subject matter, we offer the seminar "Visualisation and Data Analysis"

  • lecturer: Nelly Promnitz
    time: We 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
    room: seminar room Arctic, Prager Straße 34 – 36
  • To consolidate and deepen the subject matter, we offer the seminar "Atmospheric Chemistry.
  • lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Herrmann
    time: We 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (14-daily)
    room: TROPOS, Permoserstraße

time: Tue 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Thu 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
room: Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie, TROPOS
EVENT plan

  • time: Tue 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m,  01.00 p.m. - 3.00.p.m.
    room: Vilhelm Bjerknes Hörsaal, Stephanstraße 3
  • time: Thu 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m,  01.00 p.m. - 3.00.p.m.
    room: Institut für Troposphärenforschung (TROPOS)

EVENT plan

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