On these pages you will find the course programme M.Sc. Meteorology for compulsory and elective modules of the winter semester.
1st Semester
In the 1st semester you will take
- the compulsory modules P1, P2,
- one module each from the (compulsory) elecetive area General Meteorology, Experimental Meteorology, Theoretical Meteorology and
- and one module from the (compulsory) elecetive area Physics.
- You will take the lecture „Dynamics and Synoptics" (2 CHW) and one exercise „Dynamics and Synoptics" (2 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral examination (45 min; weighting x1)
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
- Dynamics and Synoptic – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
time: We 08:30am – 10:00am
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 16/10/24 - Dynamics and Synoptic – exercise
lecturers: Thomas Hain, Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
time: Thu 12:00pm – 12:45pm
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 17/10/24
- You will take the lecture „Atmospheric Radiation" (2 CHW) and die exercise „Atmospheric Radiation" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (90 min; weighting ×1)
- Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.
Modul responsibility: Prof. Dr. M. Wendisch
- Atmospheric Radiation – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
time: Tue 08:30am – 10:00am
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 15/10/24 - Atmospheric Radiation – exercise
lecturer: Dr. André Ehrlich
time: Tue 10:15am – 11:00am
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 15/10/24
3rd Semester
In the 3rd semester you will take
- the compulsory modules P5, P6,
- one module each from the (compulsory) elecetive area General Meteorology, Experimental Meteorology, Theoretical Meteorology and
- and one module from the (compulsory) elecetive area Physics.
- You will tak the lecture „Current Research in Meteorology“ (1 SWS) and the seminar „Current Research in Meteorology" (2 SWS).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min; weighting ×1)
Module Responsibility: Dr. André Ehrlich, JP. Dr. Marlene Kretschmer, JP. Dr. Sebastian Sippel
- Current Research in Meteorology – lecture
lecturers: JP Dr. Marlene Kretschmer, JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel
time Mo 11:00am – 12:30pm
Raum: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 14/10/2024 - Current Research in Meteorology – seminar
lecturers: Research fellows
timet: block
room: tbd.
- You will take the lecture „Advanced Scientific Working in Meteorology“ (1 CHW) and the seminar „Advanced Scientific Working in Meteorology“ (2 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written report (12 weeks; weighting ×1)
Module responsibility: Dr. André Ehrlich, JP Dr. Marlene Kretschmer, JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel
- Advanced Scientific Working – lecture
lecturers: JP Dr. Marlene Kretschmer, JP Dr. Sebastian Sippel
time Mo 10:45am – 12:15pm
Raum: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 14/10/2024 - Advanced Scientific Working – Seminar
lecturer: Research fellows
timet: block
room: tbd.
Elective area – General Meteorology
Two modules have to be selected from the meteorological elective courses General Meteorology (A1 – A7) in the scope of 10 CP.
- You will take the lecture „Atmospheric Aerosol“ (2 CHW) and the exercise „Atmospheric Aerosol" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (60 min; weighting ×1)
Modulverantwortung: Prof. Dr. Mira Pöhlker
- Atmospheric Aerosol – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mira Pöhlker
time: Mo 2:45pm – 4:15pm
room: seminare room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
start: 14/10/24 - Atmospheric Aerosol – exercise
lecturers: Prof. Dr. Mira Pöhlker, Frank Stratmann
time: block
room: seminare room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
- You will take the lecture „Atmospheric Chemistry - The Multiphase System“ (2 CWH), the seminar „Atmospheric Chemistry - The Multiphase System" (1 CWH) and the exercise „Atmospheric Chemistry - The Multiphase System" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (90 min; weighting ×1)
- Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.
Modul responsibility: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Herrmann
- Atmospheric Chemistry – The Multiphase System – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Herrmann
time: Mo 1:00pm – 2:30pm
room: seminar room TROPOS, Permosterstraße 15
start: 21/10/24
pre-meeting: tbd. - Atmospheric Chemistry – The Multiphase System – seminare
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Herrmann
time: We 1:00pm – 3:00pm- (14-daily)
room: seminar room TROPOS, Permosterstraße 15
start: 23/10/24
pre-meeting: tbd. - Atmospheric Chemistry – The Multiphase System – exercise
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Herrmann
time: Mo 2:30pm – 3:15pm
room: seminar room TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
start: 21/10/24
- You will take the lecture „Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling“ (2 CHW) and the practical course „Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling" (2 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1
Module responsibility: Dr. Marc Salzmann
- Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling – lecture
lecturer: Dr. Marc Salzmann
time: Thu 09:00am – 10:30am
room: seminar room 2, Stephanstraße 3
start: 17/10/24 - Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling – practical course
lecturer: Dr. Marc Salzmann
time: Thu 10:30am – 12:00am
room: seminar room 2, Stephanstraße 3
start: 17/10/24
- You will take the lecture „Atmospheric Trace Substances and their Modelling“ (2 CHW) and the seminar „Atmospheric Trace Substances and their Modelling" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1
Module responsibilitiy: Prof. Dr. Ina Tegen
- Atmospheric Trace Substances and their Modelling – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ina Tegen
time: Fr 12:30pm – 14:00pm
room: Seminare room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
start: 18/10/24 - Atmospheric Aerosol – exercise
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ina Tegen
Zeit: Fr 14:00am – 14:45am
room: Seminare room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
start: 18/10/24
Elective Area – Experimental Meteorology
Two modules have to be selected from the meteorological elective courses Experimental Meteorology (E1 – E5) and 12-GEO-M-DS01 in the scope of 10 CP.
- You will take the lecture „Airborne Physical Measuring Methods“ (2 CHW) and the practical course „Airborne Physical Measuring Methods" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements. Written reports for the experiments of the practical course (4 weeks; weighting ×1)
Module responsibilty: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
- Airborne Physical Measuring Methods – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
time: Mo 07:30am – 09:00am
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 17/10/24 - Airborne Physical Measuring Methods – practical course
lecturer: Dr. André Ehrlich
time: block
room: lab, Stephanstraße 3
- You will take the lecture „Ground-based Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing“ (2 CHW) and the „Ground-based Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral exam (30 min; weighting ×1)
- Pre-examination requirements: Written report of the experiments of the exercise (4 weeks).
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Dr. Heike Kalesse-Los
- Ground-based Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Heike Kalesse-Los
time: Tue 12:45pm – 2:15pm
room: seminar room Arktis, Prager Straße 34-36
start: 15/10/24 - Ground-based Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing – excersice
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Heike Kalesse-Los
time: Tue 2:15pm – 3:00pm
room: seminar room Arktis, Prager Straße 34-36
start: 15/10/24
- You will take the lecture „Active Remote Sensing with Lidar“ (2 CHW) and the seminar „Active Remote Sensing with Lidar" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1
Module responsibility: Dr. Holger Baars
- Active Remote Sensing with Lidar – lecture
lecturers: Dr. Holger Baars, Dr. Ronny Engelmann
time: We 10:45am – 12:15pm
room: seminar room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
start: 16/10/24 - Active Remote Sensing with Lidar – seminar
lecturers: Dr. Holger Baars, Dr. Ronny Engelmann
time: We 12:15pm – 1:00pm
room: seminar room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 15
start: 16/10/2024
Elective Area – Theoretical Meteorology
Two modules have to be selected from the meteorological elective courses Experimental Meteorology (T1 – T6) in the scope of 10 CP.
- You will take the lecture „Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere“ (2 CHW) an the exercise „Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi
- Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacobi
time: Tue 4:30pm – 6:00pm
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 15/10/24 - Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere – exercise
lecturers: Sina Mehrdad, Amish Kumar
time: Tue 6:00pm – 6:45pm
room: Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture hall, Stephanstraße 3
start: 15/10/24
- You will take the lecture „Scattering and Atmospheric Optics“ (2 CHW) and die excersice „Scattering and Atmospheric Optics" (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration; weighting) and pre-examination requirements: Oral presentation (45 min) and written report (4 weeks); weighting ×1
Module responsibility: Dr. Ulla Wandinger
- Scattering and Atmospheric Optics – Vorlesung
lecturer: Dr. Ulla Wandinger
time: We 2:00pm – 3:30pm
room: seminar raum, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 35
start: 16/10/24 - Scattering and Atmospheric Optics – Seminar
lecturer: Dr. Ulla Wandinger
time: We 3:45pm – 4:30pm
room: seminar room, TROPOS, Permoserstraße 35
start: 16/10/24
Elective area – physics
One module with a capacity of 8 credits must be selected (elective area – physics), either from this list of modules from the German Bachelor's programme Physik:
- Experimentalphysik 3 – Optik und Quantenphysik (12-PHY-BPEP3),
- Experimentalphysik 4 – Struktur der Materie (12-PHY-BPEP4), (summer semester)
- Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik (12-PHY-BEP5),
- Theoretische Physik 1 – Theoretische Mechanik“ (12-PHY-BTP1), (no offer in the winter term 22/23)
- Theoretische Physik 2 – Quantenmechanik“ (12-PHY-BTP2), (summer semester)
- Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik“ (12-PHY-BTP3),
- Theoretische Physik 4 – Elektrodynamik & klassische Feldtheorie (12-PHY-BTP4) (summer semester)
or from this list of modules from the English Bachelor’s programme Physik im International Physics Studies Program (IPSP):
- Experimental Physics 3 – Elektromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Phyics (12-PHY-BIEP3),
- Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP1)*,
- Theoretical Physics 2 – Elektrodynamics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP2)*, (Sommersemester)
- Theoretical Physics 4 – Quantum Mechanics (12-PHY-BIPTP4), (Sommersemester)
- Theoretical Physics 5 – Statistical Physics (12-PHY-BIPTP5).
*Students who have already completed the module “Mathematische Methoden - Methoden der klassischen Physik” (12-PHY-BMAME1) in the Bachelor's program cannot select the modules Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP1) and “Theoretical Physics 2 – Elektrodynamics 1 (12-PHY-BIPTP2).
Modules that have already been taken in the Bachelor's programme are excluded.
Modules from the German Bachelor's programme Physik:
- Die Studierenden besuchen die Vorlesung „Experimentalphysik – Optik und Quantenphysik“ (4 SWS) und das Seminar „Experimentalphysik – Optik und Quantenphysik" (2 SWS).
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur: 180 Min.
- Prüfunngsvorlesitung: 50% der erreichbaren Bewertungspunkte der Übungsaufgaben
Module responsibility: Dr. Jörg Schnauß
- Experimentalphysik – Optik und Quantenphysik – lecture
lecturer: Dr. Jörg Schnauß
time: Mo 09:15am – 10:45am
room: Large Lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
start: 14/10/24 - Experimentalphysik – Optik und Quantenphysik – lecture
lecturer: Dr. Jörg Schnauß
time: Thu 09:15am – 10:45am
room: Großer Hörsaal, Linnéstraße 5
start: 17/10/24 - Experimentalphysik – Optik und Quantenphysik – seminar 1
lecturer: J. Gleichmann
time: Tue 1:15pm – 2:45am
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 1/10/24 - Experimentalphysik – Optik und Quantenphysik – seminar 2
lecturer: M. Rose
time: Tue 1:15pm – 2:45am
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 15/10/24
- Die Studierenden besuchen die Vorlesung „Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik“ (4 SWS), eine Übung „Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik" (2 SWS).
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur 180 Min
- Prüfunngsvorlesitung: 50% der erreichbaren Bewertungspunkte der Übungsaufgaben
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan Meijer
- Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jan Meijer
time: Mo: 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 14/10/24 - Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jan Mejer
time: Thu 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 17/10/24 - Experimentalphysik 5 – Festkörperphysik – exercise
lecturer: Dr. P. Räcke
time: Fr 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 18/10/24
- Die Studierenden besuchen die Vorlesung „Theoretische Physik 1 – Theoretische Mechanik" (4 SWS) und das Seminar „Theoretische Physik 1 – Theoretische Mechanik" (2 SWS).
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur 180 Min.
- Prüfungslvorleistungen: 50% der erreichbaren Bewertungspunkte der Übungsaufgaben
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kroy
- Theoretische Physik – Theoretische Mechanik – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kroy
time: Mo 1:15pm – 2:45pm
room: Thereotical lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
start: 14/10/24 - Theoretische Physik – Theoretische Mechanik – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kroy
time: We 11:15am – 12.45pm
room: Thereotical lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
start: 16/10/24 - Theoretische Physik – Theoretische Mechanik – exercise 1
lecturer: N.N.
time: Mo 11:15am – 12.45pm
room: Thereotical lecture hall, Linnéstraße 5
start: 14/10/24 - Theoretische Physik – Theoretische Mechanik – exercise 2
lecturer: N.N.
Zeit: Mo 3:15pm – 4:45pm
Raum: seminar room 225, Linnéstraße 5
Beginn: 14/10/24 - Theoretische Physik – Theoretische Mechanik – exercise 3
lecturer: N.N.
Zeit: We 09:15am – 10:45am
Raum: seminar room 225, Linnéstraße 5
Beginn: 16/10/24 - Theoretische Physik – Theoretische Mechanik – exercise 4
lecturer: N.N.
Zeit: Thu 3:15pm – 4:45pm
Raum: seminar room 225, Linnéstraße 5
Beginn: 17/10/24
- Die Studierenden besuchen die Vorlesung „Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik“ (4 SWS) und das Seminar „Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik" (2 SWS).
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur 180 Min
- Prüfungsvorleistung: 50% der erreichbaren Bewertungspunkte der Übungsaufgaben
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine
- Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine
time: We 09:15am – 10:45am
room: 210, Brüderstraße 16
start: 16/10/24 - Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Boris Fine
time: Fr 09:15am – 10:45am
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 18/10/24 - Theoretische Physik 3 – Statistische Physik – exercise
lecturer: N.N.
Modules from the English Bachelor’s programme Physik im International Physics Studies Program (IPSP):
- You will take the lectures „Experimentalphysik 3 – Elektromagnetische Wellen und Grundlagen der Quantenphysik“ (4 CHW) an the seminar „Experimenatlphysik – Elektromagnetische Wellen und Grundlagen der Quantenphysik" (2 CHW).
- Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.
- Examinations (duration and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (180 min)
Modulverantwortung / Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin
- Experimentalphysik 3 – Elektromagnetische Wellen und Grundlagen der Quantenphysik / Experimental Physics 3 - Electromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Physics – Vorlesung/Lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
time: Mo 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: large auditorium, Linnestraße 5
start: 14/10/24 - Experimentalphysik 3 – Elektromagnetische Wellen und Grundlagen der Quantenphysik / Experimental Physics 3 - Electromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Physics – Vorlesung/Lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
time: Thu 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: large auditorium, Linnéstraße 5
start: 17/10/24 - Experimentalphysik 3 – Elektromagnetische Wellen und Grundlagen der Quantenphysik / Experimental Physics 3 - Electromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Physics – Übung/Excercise
lecurer: G. Anchutkin
time: Tue 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 15/10/24 - Experimentalphysik 3 – Elektromagnetische Wellen und Grundlagen der Quantenphysik / Experimental Physics 3 - Electromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Physics – Übung/Excercise B
lecturer: Dr. T. Thalheim
time: Thu 09:15am – 10:45pm
room: 532, Linnéstraße 5
start: 17/10/24
- You will take the lectures „Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 (4 CWH) and the seminar „Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 (1 CHW).
- Examinations (duration and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (90 min)
- Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.
Modulverantwortung / module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Inti Sodemann Villadiego
- Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 – Lecture
- Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 – Lecture
- Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 – Exercise A
- Theoretical Physics 1 – Classical Mechanics 1 – Exercise B
- You will take the lectures „Theoretische Physik 5 – Statistische Physik“ (4 CWH) and the seminar „Theoretische Physik 5 – Statistische Physik" (2 CHW).
- Examinations (duration and pre-examination requirements: Written exam (180 min)
- Pre-examination requirements: Weekly exercises with tasks related to the module content. Points are awarded for solutions. 50% of the total points for the entire semester have to be achieved as prerequisite for admission to the exam.
Modulverantwortung / module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Inti Sodemann Villadiego
- Theoretische Physik 5 – Statistische Physik / Theoretical Physics 5 – Statistical Physics – Vorlesung/Lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Inti Sodemann Villadiego
time: Tue 09:15am – 10:45am
room: 210, Brüderstraße 16
start: 15/10/24 - Theoretische Physik 5 – Statistische Physik / Theoretical Physics 5 – Statistical Physics – Vorlesung/Lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Inti Sodemann Villadiego
time: Fr 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: 210, Brüderstraße 16
start: 18/10/24 - Theoretische Physik 5 – Statistische Physik/ Theoretical Physics 5 – Statistical Physics – Übung/Exercise A
lecturers: Prof. Dr. Inti Sodemann Villadiego
start: - Theoretische Physik 5 – Statistische Physik/ Theoretical Physics 5 – Statistical Physics – Übung/Exercise B
lecturers: M. Staats
Free elective area
- The free elective area makes up 10 LP.
- We explicitly recommend the following modules:
Semester | Modul ID | Modul Title | LP |
| 5 | ||
| |||
Winter | 12-GGR-B-PG01A | Grundlagen der Physischen Geographie/Geoökologie I – Gestein und Relief | 5 |
Winter | 12-GGR-B-PG09 | Biosphäre und Umweltwandel | 5 |
Winter | 12-GGR-B-GF05 | Einführung in die Geoinformatik | 10 |
Summer | 12-GGR-B-PG02 | Boden und Analyse von Geosystemen | 10 |
Summer | 12-GGR-B-GF04 | Grundlagen der Fernerkundung | 5 |
Summer | 12-GGR-NFM-01 | Allgemeine Geowissenschaften I | 10 |
| |||
Winter | 12-GGR-M-PG02 | Umweltbezogene Geoökologische Standortbewertung | 5 |
Winter | 12-GGR-M-PG06N | Angewandte Spezialgebiete der Physischen Geographie | 5 |
Winter | 12-GGR-M-GFP1 | Umweltfernerkundung | 5 |
Summer | 12-GGR-M-GFP1 | Geographische Informationssysteme – Modelle und Analysen | 5 |
| |||
Winter | 12-GEO-M-RS01 | Remote Sensing Products for Earth Research | 5 |
Winter | 12-GEO-M-SK01 | Research Data Management and Social Responsibility | 5 |
Winter | 12-GEO-M-DS04 | Data Analysis in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing | 5 |
Winter | 12-GEO-M-AG02 | Earth System Components | 5 |
Winter | 12-GEO-M-DS03 | Applied Data Analysis of Earth-Surface Processes | 5 |
Summer | 12-GEO-M-SK02 | Scientific Writing | 5 |
Summer | 12-GEO-M-DS02 | Spatio-temporal Data | 5 |
- Modules which have been finished during the bachelor studies are excluded.
- Further modules of the University Leipzig can be approved by the Examination Board upon request as long as the lecturers accept studends from the M.Sc. Meteorology. Please make an appointment with the student advisory service of the institute in advance.
- Module registration
Grundlagen der Physischen Geographie/Geoökologie I – Relief und Gestein (12-GGR-BPG01A)
Module responsibility Prof. Dr. Chr. Zielhofer
- Grundlagen der Physische Geographie/Geoökologie I – Relief und Gestein – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer
time: Tue 1:15pm – 2:45pm
room: HS01, Talstraße 35
start: 17/10/23
- Grundlagen der Physische Geographie/Geoökologie I – Relief und Gestein– exersice, tutorial A
lecturer: Johannes Schmidt
time: Mo 09:15am – 10:45am (14-daily)
Raum: SR 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
Beginn: 16/10/23
- Grundlagen der Physische Geographie/Geoökologie I – Relief und Gestein – exersice, tutorial B
lecturer: Anne Köhler
Zeit: Mo 11:15am – 12:45pm (14-daily)
room: SR 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
Raum: 16/10/23
- Grundlagen der Physische Geographie/Geoökologie I – Relief und Gestein – exercise, tutorial C
lecturer: Johannes Schmidt
Zeit: Thu 11:15am – 12:15pm (14-daily)
Raum: SR 0.06, Johannisallee 19a
Beginn: 16/10/23
Einführung in die Geoinformatik (12-GGR-B-GF05)
Module reponsibility: Prof. Dr. Hannes Feilhauer
- Einführung in die Geoinformatik – lecture
lecturer: Feilhauer, Hannes
time: Mo 11:15am – 1:45pm
room HS 01, Talstraße 35
- Einführung in die Geoinformatik – seminar A
lecturer: Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes
time: Tue 09:15am – 10:00am
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
- Einführung in die Geoinformatik – seminar B
lecturer: Guimaraes-Steinicke, Claudia
time: Tue 12:15pm – 1:00pm
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
- Einführung in die Geoinformatik – seminar C
lecturer: Guimaraes-Steinicke, Claudia
time: We 2:15pm – 3:00pm
room: CP I, Johannisallee 19a
- Geographische Informationssysteme – exercise A
lecturer: Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes
time: Tue 10:15am – 11:45 am
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
- Geographische Informationssysteme – exercise B
lecturer: Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes
time: Tue 12:15pm – 1:45 pm
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
- Geographische Informationssysteme – exercise C
lecturer: Guimaraes-Steinicke, Claudia
time: We 3:15pm – 4:45 pm
room: CP I, Johannisallee 19a
- Es gelten die für den Studiengang gültigen Studiendokumente des Studienganges B.Sc. Geographie.
- In die Module des Wahlbereiches Geographie schreiben Sie sich per E-Mail von Ihrer Uni-E-Mail-Adresse aus im oben angegebenen Zeitraum ein. Folgende Angaben sind dafür notwendig: Name, Vorname, Matrikelnummer und Studiengang.
Es gelten die für den Studiengänge gültigen Studiendokumente des Studienganges M.Sc. Geographie.
Umweltbezogene Geoökologische Standortbewertung (12-GGR-M-PG02)
Module repsonsibility: N.N.
- Umweltbezogene Geoökologisch Standortbewertung – lecture
lecturer: N.N.
- Umweltbezogene Geoökologisch Standortbewertung – exercise
lecturer. N.N
Angewandte Spezialgebiete der Geographie (12-GGR-M-PG06N)
Module responsibility: Dr. Birgit Schneider
- Spezialgebiete der Geographie I: Die raum-zeitliche Dynamik einer menschlich genutzten Flussaue – das Beispiel der Weißen Elster im Vogtland
lecturers: von Suchodoletz, Hans; Khosravichenar, Azra
time: Thu 11:15am – 12:45pm
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
- Spezialgebiete der Geographie II: Hyperspectral remote sensing of the environment
lecturer: Feilhauer, Hannes
time: Thu 3:15pm – 4:45pm
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
Umweltfernerkundung (12-GGR-M-GFP1)
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
- Umweltfernerkundung – lecture
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
time: We 10:30am – 11:15am
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
- Umweltfernerkundung – exercise
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Vohland
time: We 11:45am – 12:45pm
room: CP III, Talstraße 35
Remote Sensing Products for Earth System Research (12-GEO-M-RS01)
Modul responsobility: Prof. Dr. Jian Peng
- Introduction to Global Remote Sensing Data Products - lecture
lecurer: Prof. Dr. Jian Peng
room: - Applications of Remote Sensing Products - Übung
lecurer: Marco Hannemann; Prof. Dr. Jian Peng; Toni Schmidt
Research Data Management and Social Responsibility (12-GEO-M-SK01)
Modul responsobility: Dr. Guido Kreamer
- Research Data Management and Social Responsibility - lecture
lecurer: Dr. Guido Kraemer
room: - Applications of Remote Sensing Products - exersice
lecurer: Dr. Guido Kraemer
Earth System Components (12-GEO-M-AG02)
Modul responsobility: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha
- Introduction to the Earth System - lecture
lecurer: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha
room: - Earth System - exersice
lecurer: Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha
Data Analysis in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (12-GEO-M-DS04)
Modul responsobility:
- Data Analysis in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - lecture
room: - Data Analysis in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - exersice
Applied Geostatistics (12-GEO-M-DS03)
Modul responsobility
- Applied Geostatistics - lecture
room: - Applied Geostatistics - exersice
All Semester
- The Leipziger Meteorologische Kolloquium und the PhD Talks are common series of meetings of the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology and the Institute of für Tropospheric research.
- We recommend the attendance at this events/lecures.
time: Tue 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr, Thu 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr
romm: Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie (Vilhelm Bjerknes Hörsaal, Stephanstraße 3) or TROPOS
time: Tue 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m, 01.00 p.m. - 3.00.p.m.
place: Vilhelm Bjerknes Hörsaal, Stephanstraße 3
time: Thu 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m, 01.00 p.m. - 3.00.p.m.
place: Institut für Troposphärenforschung (TROPOS)
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