Mehr als einhundertfünfzig Forschende haben ihre Promotion an unserem Institut seit der Neugründung des Instituts erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
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im Rahmen des Promotionsverfahrens von
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Promotionen am Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie
- Hanno Müller
Evaluation of solar irradiances simulated by the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF using airborne observations in the Arctic - Johannes Röttenbacher
Impact of Arctic Cirrus on the Radiative Energy Budget: Observations and Representation in the Integrated Forecasting System"
- Elisa Fatma Akansu
Estimating the Surface Mixing Layer Height in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Tethered Balloon-Borne Observations - Sebastian Becker
Airborne Observations of Surface Cloud Radiative Effect over the Fram Strait: Impact of Surface, Cloud, and Thermodynamic Properties - Majid Hajipour
Identification of hydrometeor types in Doppler spectra from polarimetric cloud radar observations - Benjamin Kirbus
Lagrangian Studies of Arctic Air Mass Transformations During Warm Air Intrusions and Cold Air Outbreaks. - Olivia Linke
Constraining and predicting Arctic amplification and relevant climate feedbacks - Michael Lonardi
Tethered Balloon Observations of Thermal-Infrared Radiation Profiles in the Cloudy and Cloudless Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer - Leizel Madueño
Experimental Quantification of Respiratory Tract Deposition of Black Carbon - Nina Maherndl
Airborne Observations of Riming in Arctic Mixed-phase Clouds - Enrico Paul Metzner
Changes of the Arctic Ocean halocline and its relationship to Arctic climate change - Christian Pilz
Investigating the vertical aerosol distribution above the Arctic sea ice with a tethered balloon - Baseerat Romshoo
Influence of the complex morphology of soot particles on their optical properties: numerical simulations and applications to atmospheric soot - Nils Slaettberg
Oceanic and Atmospheric Contributions to a Changing North Atlantic Arctic: Surface Turbulent Heat Exchanges and the Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere in the Svalbard and Fram Strait Region
- Matthias Faust
Modelling of Dust Emissions from Agricultural Sources in Europe - Ovid Oktavian Krüger
Sources, spatio-temporal variation and co-variability of cloud condensation nuclei and black carbon - Moritz Lochmann
Improving wind power predictions on very short-term scales by including wind speed observations in the power forecast - Kevin Ohneiser
Lidar Observations of Record-breaking Stratospheric Wildfire Smoke Events in 2019-2021: Siberian Smoke over the Central Arctic and Australian Smoke over South America - Christian Tatzelt
Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Ice-Nucleating Particles on the Southern Ocean: Abundance and Properties during the Antarctic Circum-navigation Expedition - Vasileios Tzallas
Development and applications of a cloud regime dataset over Europe using satellite observations
- Honey Dawn C. Alas
Mobile measurements of black carbon and PM: optimization of techniques and data analysis for pedestrian exposure - Goutam Choudhury
Cloud condensation nuclei concentrations from spaceborne lidar measurements - Methodology and validation - Sebastian Düsing
Investigation of physio-optical aerosol properties with in-situ and remote-sensing techniques - Athina Avgousta Floutsi
Development and application of an automatic lidar-based aerosol typing algorithm - Hannes Jascha Griesche
Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds and their complex interactions with aerosol and radiation – Remote sensing of the Arctic troposphere with the shipborne supersite OCEANET-Atmosphere - Daniel Hertel
Optimierung von urbanen Hitzeanpassungsmaßnahmen - Willi Schimmel
Identifying Cloud Droplets Beyond Lidar Attenuation from Vertically Pointing Cloud Radar Observations Using Artificial Neural Networks - Carola Barrientos Velacso
Radiative Effects of Clouds in the Arctic - Jonas Witthuhn
Aerosol - remote sensing, characterization and aerosol-radiation interaction
- Christoph Geißler
Quarterdiurnal Tide in the Middle Atmosphere - Ulrike Egerer
A new set of tethered balloon-borne instrument payloads for collocated turbulence and radiation measurements in the cloudy Arctic boundary layer - first applications - Markus Hartmann
Ice Nucleating Particles in the Arctic - A story of their abundance, properties and possible origin from the Little Ice Age to the current age of unpreceded Arctic warming - Cristofer A. Jiménez
Observations of aerosol and liquid-water clouds with Dual-Field-of-View Polarization Lidar - Jan Kretzschmar
Improving the representation of Arctic clouds in atmospheric models across scales using observations - Daniel Mewes
Large-scale Horizontal Energy Fluxes into the Arctic Analyzed Using Self-organizing Maps - Martin Radenz
Hemispheric contrasts of ice formation in stratiform supercooled liquid louds: Long-term observations with the ground-based remote-sensing supersite LACROS - Elena Ruiz Donoso
Small-scale structure of thermodynamic phase in Arctic mixed-phase clouds observed with airborne remote sensing during the ACLOUD campaign - Jacob Schacht
Black Carbon Aerosol in the Arctic: Ageing, Transport and Radiative Effects - Johannes Stapf
Influence of Surface and Atmospheric Thermodynamic Properties on the Cloud Radiative Forcing and Radiative Energy Budget in the Arctic - Bastian Stieger
Highly time-resolved and long-time quantification of inorganics and low-molecular-weight organic acids in the gas and particle phases at the research station Melpitz - Jia Sun
Temporal and spatial variability of black carbon mass concentrations and size-resolved particle number concentrations in Germany ranging from City street to high Alpine environments - Rajesh Ishwardas Vaishnav
Delayed Ionospheric Response to Solar EUV/UV Radiation Variations. - Diego Villanueva
A story of dust and ice — constraining dust-driven immersion freezing in climate models using spaceborne retrievals - Jiangyue Zhao
Particle Exposure in German Dwellings: Particle Number and Mass Size Distributions, Indoor Particle Dynamics, and Source Apportionment
- Stefanie Anna Feuerstein
Alluvial Dust Sources and their Implementation in a Dust-Emission Model - Xianda Gong
Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Ice-Nucleating Particles Over Tropical and Subtropical Regions in the Northern Hemisphere - Julian Hofer
Aerosol characterization over a Central Asian site: long-term lidar profiling at Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Erik Hans Hoffmann
CAPRAM mechanism and model developments for investigating marine multiphase chemistry effects linked to air quality and climate: From process to regional scale
modelling - Erik Schmölter
The delayed ionospheric response to solar and geomagnetic activity - Robert Wagner
Dust Emissions Driven by Pyro-Convection – A Model Perspective - Kevin Wolf
Evaluation of the Radiation Scheme of a Numerical Weather Prediction Model by Airborne Measurements of Spectral Irradiance above Clouds
- Denise Assmann
On the spatio-temporal distribution of aerosol particles in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere - Kathrin Gatzsche
Investigation of gasSOA formation by parcel and 3-D modeling Grawe, Sarah: Coal fly ash: How sample properties and methodology influence immersion freezing results - Sarah Grawe
Coal fly ash: How sample properties and methodology influence immersion freezing results - Eva Hallbauer
Das hygroskopische Verhalten biogener sekundärer organischer Aerosolpartikel Herenz, Paul: Physical Properties of Arctic and Antarctic Aerosol Particles and Cloud Condensation Nuclei - Paul Herenz
Physical Properties of Arctic and Antarctic Aerosol Particles and Cloud Condensation Nuclei - Trismono Candra Krisna
Airborne Passive Remote Sensing of Optical Thickness and Particle Effective Radius of Cirrus and Deep Convective Clouds - Friederike Lilienthal
Analysis of the Forcing Mechanisms of the Terdiurnal Solar Tide in the Middle Atmosphere
- Karoline Block
Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation interactions in regimes of liquid water clouds - Tim Carlsen
Influence of snow properties on directional surface reflectance in Antarctica - Trismono Candra Krisna
Airborne Passive Remote Sensing of Optical Thickness and Particle Effective Radius of Cirrus and Deep Convective Clouds - Aswathy Vijayan Nair
Learning about marine cloud brightening: detectability of field experiments, benefits and risks of implementation - Tina Schmeißner
Exploring Mechanisms of Large Droplet Production in Trade Wind Cumuli - Claudia Unglaub
Cloud regime based analysis of adjustments to aerosol-cloud interactions using spaceborne measurements
- Stefanie Bauditz
Immersion freezing experiments of biological, mineral dust and dust-bio-mixed particles with the Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator - Sebastian Bley
Investigation of warm convective cloud fields with Meteosat observations and high resolution models - Ying Chen
Evaluation and Improvement of Particle Number/Mass Size Distribution Modelling in WRF-Chem over Europe - Fanny Finger
Spectral Optical Layer Properties of Cirrus - Collocated Airborne Measurements and Radiative Transfer Simulations - Andreas Foth
Optimal Estimation of Water Vapour Profiles using a Combination of Raman Lidar and Microwave Radiometer - Daniel Merk
Uncertainties in the Quantification of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Vasileios Barlakas
A New Three-Dimensional Vector Radiative Transfer Model and Applications to Saharan Dust Fields - Stefan Barthel (2016)
Regionale Modellstudien zur Untersuchung von Emissionsparametrisierungen des primären marinen Aerosols - Heiner Matthias Brück
Evaluation of statistical cloud parameterizations - Michael Jähn:
Large Eddy Simulation Studies of Island Effects in the Caribbean Trade Wind Region - Li LI
Stokes parameters of skylight based on simulations and polarized radiometer measurements - Alexander Myagkov
Shape-temperature relationship of ice crystals in mixed-phase clouds based on observations with polarimetric cloud radar - Michael Schäfer:
Optical Thickness Retrievals of Subtropical Cirrus and Arctic Stratus from Ground-Based and Airborne Radiance Observations Using Imaging Spectrometers - Roland Schrödner:
Modeling the tropospheric multiphase aerosol-cloud processing using the 3-D chemistry transport model COSMO-MUSCAT - Anja Schwarz
Aerosol typing over Europe and its benefits for the CALIPSO and EarthCARE missions - Statistical analysis based on multiwavelength aerosol lidar measurements from groundbased EARLINET stations and comparison to spaceborne CALIPSO data
- Marlen Brückner
Retrieval of Optical and Microphysical Cloud Properties Using Ship-based Spectral Solar Radiation Measurements over the Atlantic Ocean - Peter Bräuer
Extension and application of a tropospheric aqueous phase chemical mechanism (CAPRAM) for aerosol and cloud models - Susan Hartmann
An immersion freezing study of mineral dust and bacterial ice nucleating particles - Stefan Horn
Simulations of complex atmospheric flows using GPUs - the model ASAMgpu - - Shan Huang
Chemical composition of the submicrometer aerosol over the Atlantic Ocean - Carolin Rösch
New aspects of air contamination by the interaction of indoor and urban air - Michael Rösch
Untersuchung zur Generierung und zum Immersionsgefrierverhalten supermikroner, quasimonodisperser Mineralstaubpartikel - Andreas Weigelt
An optical particle counter for the regular application onboard a passenger aircraft: instrument modification, characterization and results from the first year of operation
- Stefan Bauer
Airborne spectral radiation measurements to derive solar radiative forcing of Saharan dust mixed with biomass burning smoke particles - Gionata Biavati
On the Retrieval of Mixing Height from Ceilometers - Florian Ditas
Microphysical properties of aerosol particles in the trade wind regime and their influence on the number concentration of activated particles in trade wind cumulus clouds - Jeannine Ditas
On the small-scale dynamics of cloud edges - Christa Engler
Meteorologische Einflüsse auf die Konzentrationen feiner und grober atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel in Deutschland - Timo Hanschmann
Unsicherheiten in der Erfassung des kurzwelligen Wolkenstrahlungseffektes - Marcel König
Large-Eddy Simulation Modelling for Urban Scale - Nicole Niedermeier
Experimental determination of the mass deposition flux of mineral dust at the Cape Verde Islands - Sascha Pfeifer
Verknüpfung aerodynamischer und optischer Eigenschaften nichtkugelförmiger atmosphärischer Grobstaubpartikel - Frank Werner
Twomey Effect of Trade Wind Cumuli
- Claas Henning Köhler
Radiative Effect of Mixed Mineral Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosol in the Thermal Infrared - Stephan Nordmann
Light absorption of atmospheric soot particles over Central Europe - Jessica Meier
Thema: Regional aerosol modeling in Europe: Evaluation with focus on vertical profiles and radiative effects - Britta Stefanie Mey
Einfluss der Bodenalbedo und Bodenreflektivität von urbanen Oberflächen auf die Ableitung der optischen Dicke von Aerosolpartikeln aus Satellitenmessungen
- Holger Baars
Aerosol profiling with lidar in the Amazon Basin during the wet and dry season 2008 - Katrin Dieckmann (geb. Mildenberger)
Hygroscopic Growth and Activation Measurements of Aerosol Particles in Lab and Field - Dennis Niedermeier
Heterogeneous ice nucleation in droplets containing mineral dust particles: An experimental and theoretical study - Sebastian Otto
Optische Eigenschaften nichtkugelförmiger Saharamineralstaubpartikel und deren Einfluss auf den Strahlungstransport in der Erdatmosphäre
- Peter Hoffmann
Planetary Wave Coupling between Stratosphere and Ionosphere by Gravity Wave Modulation - Alexander Schladitz
Parametrization of relative humidity- and wavelength-dependent optical properties of mixed Saharan dust and marine aerosol - Patric Seifert
Dust-related ice formation in the troposphere: A statistical analysis based on 11 years of lidar observations of aerosols and clouds over Leipzig - Matthias Tesche
Vertical profiling of aerosol optical properties with multiwavelength aerosol lidar during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiments - Markus Ziese
Entwicklung und Aufbau einer mobilen Version des Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS) sowie dessen Einsatz zur Untersuchung des hygroskopischen Wachstums und der Aktivierung laborgenerierter Aerosolpartikel
- Christina Arras
A Global Survey of Sporadic E Layers based on GPS Radio Occultations by CHAMP, GRACE and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC - Jens Voigtländer
Hygroscopic growth and CCN activation of slightly soluble organic and inorganic compounds - Evaluation of experimental LACIS data with FLUENT/FPM
Promotionen 2009
- Manuela Barth
Akustische Tomographie zur zeitgleichen Erfassung von Temperatur- und Strömungsfeldern - Verena Grützun
Influence of Aerosol Particles on Deep Convective Clouds: Investigations with the New Model LM-SPECS - Andreas Tilgner
Modelling of the physico-chemical multiphase processing of tropospheric aerosols
Promotionen 2008
- Bernd Heinold
Regional modeling of Saharan dust in the framework of the SAMUM (SAharan Mineral dUst experiMent) field project - Anke Kniffka
Einfluss der Inhomogenitäten von Aerosol, Bodenalbedo und Wolken auf das aktinische Strahlungsfeld der Atmosphäre
Promotionen 2006
- Katja Hungershöfer
Optical Properties of Aerosol Particles and Radiative Transfer in Connection with Biomass Burning - Andreas Nowak
Das feuchte Partikelgrößenspektrometer: Eine neue Messmethode zur Bestimmung von Partikelgrößenverteilungen (< 1 µm) und größenaufgelösten hygroskopischen Wachstumsfaktoren bei definierten Luftfeuchten - Kai Radtke
Zur Sensitivität von Starkwindfeldern gegenüber verschiedenen meteorologischen Parametern im Mesoskalenmodell LM - Konstantin Tsybulya
Detection and Analysis of the Ionospheric Electron Density Structures Using GPS Radio Occultations on board the CHAMP Satellite
Promotionen 2005
- Kristina Fröhlich
The Quasi Two-Day Wave - its impact on the zonal mean circulation and wave-wave interactions in the middle atmosphere - Evelyn Jäkel
An airborne system for fast measurements of upwelling and downwelling spectral actinic flux densities - Sebastian Schmidt
Influence of Cloud Inhomogenities on Solar Spectral Radiation - Claudia Stolle
Three-dimensional imaging of ionospheric electron density fields using GPS observations at the ground and onboard the CHAMP satellite - Kristina Zeromskien
Physical characterization of laboratory-produced biomass burning aerosol particles
Promotionen 2004
- Robin Faulwetter
Zur Anwendbarkeit des Fluktuations-Dissipations-Theorems - Harald Heinrich
Finite barotrope Instabilität unter synoptischem Antrieb - Maria Manjarrez
Zusammenhang zwischen den Anzahlkonzentrationen von Indoor- und Outdoor-Partikeln in Abhängigkeit von meteorologischen und physikalischen Parametern - Ulrich Uhrner
New Particle Formation and Growth in the Lower Troposphere: A Comparison of Model Results with Observations at a Continental Background Site
Promotionen 2003
- Kathleen Franke
Optische und physikalische Eigenschaften süd- und südostasiatischer Aerosolpartikel: Beobachtungen mit einem Sechswellenlängenlidar auf den Malediven während INDOEX - Volker Jaenisch
Der Einfluss turbulenter Mischungsprozesse auf die Bildungsraten atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel - Stephan Leinert
Hygroscopicity of Micrometer-Sized Aerosol Particles - a New Measurement Technique - Stefan Schlüter
GPS-basierte Bestimmung dreidimensionaler Elektronendichteverteilungen in der Ionosphäre
Promotionen 2002
- Andreas Maßling
Hygroscopic Properties of Atmospheric Particles over the Atlantic and Indian Oceans - Ina Mattis
Aufbau eines Feuchte-Temperatur-Aerosol-Ramanlidars und Methodenentwicklung zur kombinierten Analyse von Trajektorien und Aerosolprofilen - Holger Siebert
Tethered-Balloon Borne Turbulence Measurements in the Cloudy Boundary Layer - Martin Simme
Ein Modul zur spektralen Beschreibung von Wolken und Niederschlag in einem Mesoskalenmodell zur Verwendung auf Parallelrechnern - Heike Wex
Closure and Sensitivity Studies on Physical Parameters of Rural Continental Aerosols
Promotionen 2001
- Oliver Fanenbruck
Ein thermophysiologisches Bewertungsmodell mit Anwendung auf das Leipziger Stadtgebiet - Michael Lange
Modellstudien zum CO2-Anstieg und O3-Abbau in der mittleren Atmosphäre und Einfluß des Polarwirbels auf die zonale Symmetrie des Windfeldes in der Mesopausenregion - Thomas Müller
Bestimmung streckenintegrierter Aerosolparameter und Wasserdampfkonzentrationen aus spektralen Extinktionsmessungen
Promotionen 2000
- Klaus Arnold
Ein experimentelles Verfahren zur Akustischen Tomographie im Bereich der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht - Andreas Keil
Einfluss absorbierender Aerosolpartikel und verschmutzter Wolken auf den solaren Strahlungshaushalt der Atmosphäre. - Michael Klingspohn
Interdekadische Klimavariabilität über dem Nordatlantik - Statistische Analysen und Modellstudien - Holger Siebert
Tethered-balloon borne turbulence measurements in the cloudy boundary layer. - Astrid Ziemann
Eine theoretische Studie zur akustischen Tomographie in der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht
Promotionen 1999
- R. Surkow
Optimierung der Leistungsverfügbarkeit von Windenergie durch ihre Integration in Wind-Biogas-Hybridanlagen
Promotionen 1998
- J. Rißmann
Der Einfluß langwelliger Strahlungsprozesse auf das bodennahe Temperaturprofil
Promotionen 1997
- B.-R. Beckmann
Veränderungen in der Windklimatologie und in der Häufigkeit von Sturmhochwassern an der Ostseeküste Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns - P. Posse
Bestimmung klimarelevanter Parameter des maritimen Aerosols unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nichtkugelform realer Aerosolteilchen
Promotionen 1996
- J. Laubach
Charakterisierung des turbulenten Austausches von Wärme, Wasserdampf und Kohlendioxid über niedriger Vegetation anhand von Eddy-Korrelations-Messungen
Promotionen 1995
- R. Devantier
Wolkenbildungsprozesse über der südwestlichen Ostsee - Anwendungen eines neuen Wolkenschemas in einem mesoskaligen Modell