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Dr. Evelyn Jäkel

Research Fellow

Institut für Meteorologie
Prager Straße 34-36, Room 504
04317 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36658


I’m involved in the (AC)3-project. My work deals with the effect of the spatiotemporal variability of Arctic surface properties on the radiative energy transfer between surface and atmosphere. The connection between field measurements and radiative transfer modelling is an essential component of my research activities.

Professional career

  • since 06/2011
    Scientific employee at Leipzig University
  • 10/2006 - 05/2011
    Scientific employee at Mainz University
  • 08/2005 - 09/2006
    Scientific employee at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Netherlands)
  • 08/2001 - 05/2005
    Scientific employee at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research


  • 10/1996 - 07/2001
    Study of Meteorology (Diplom) at FU Berlin
  • 01/2002 - 09/2005
    PhD at Leipzig University: An airborne system for fast measurements of upwelling and downwelling spectral actinic flux densities

I’m involved in the (AC)3-project. My work deals with the effect of the spatiotemporal variability of Arctic surface properties on the radiative energy transfer between surface and atmosphere. The connection between field measurements and radiative transfer modelling is an essential component of my research activities.

  • TRR 172/C01: Influence of surface heterogeneity on radiative forcing and retrieval of aerosol and cloud properties in the Arctic
    Wendisch, Manfred; Jäkel, Evelyn; Heygster, Dr. Georg; Nicolaus , Dr. Marcel; Spreen, Dr. Gunnar
    Duration: 01/2016 – 12/2027
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Atmosphärische Strahlung; SFB Transregio 172: Arktische Verstärkung: Klimarelevante Atmosphären- und Oberflächenprozesse und Rückkopplungsmechanismen (AC)3
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  • HEmispheric and spectral Imaging multi-Camera System (HELICS)
    Wendisch, Manfred
    Duration: 12/2023 – 12/2028
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Atmosphärische Strahlung
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more projects

  • Jäkel, E.; Carlsen, T.; Ehrlich, A.; Wendisch, M.; Schäfer, M.; Rosenburg, S.; Nakoudi, K.; Zanatta, M.; Birnbaum, G.; Helm, V.; Herber, A.; Istomina, L.; Mei, L.; Rohde, A.
    Measurements and Modeling of Optical-Equivalent Snow Grain Sizes under Arctic Low-Sun Conditions
    Remote Sensing. 2021. 23 (23). p. 4909.
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  • Jäkel, E.; Becker, S.; Sperzel, T. R.; Niehaus, H.; Spreen, G.; Tao, R.; Nicolaus, M.; Dorn, W.; Rinke, A.; Brauchle, J.; Wendisch, M.
    Observations and modeling of areal surface albedo and surface types in the Arctic
    The Cryosphere. 2024. pp. 1185–1205.
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  • Tao, R.; Nicolaus, M.; Katlein, C.; Anhaus, P.; Hoppmann, M.; Spreen, G.; Niehaus, H.; Jäkel, E.; Wendisch, M.; Haas, C.
    Seasonality of spectral radiative fluxes and optical properties of Arctic sea ice during the spring–summer transition
    Elem Sci Anth. 2024. 12 (1).
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  • Foth, L.; Dorn, W.; Rinke, A.; Jäkel, E.; Niehaus, H.
    On the importance to consider the cloud dependence in parameterizing the albedo of snow on sea ice
    The Cryosphere. 2024. pp. 4053–4064.
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  • Wendisch, M.; Crewell, S.; Ehrlich, A. et al.
    Overview: quasi-Lagrangian observations of Arctic air mass transformations – introduction and initial results of the HALO–(A C)3 aircraft campaign
    Atmos. Chem. Phys.. 2024. pp. 8865–8892.
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