In order to anticipate impacts of climate change, scientists need to understand better the interactions between climate, the biosphere, ecosystems and human actions. In particular aerosol-cloud interactions are not well enough understood leading to gaps in knowledge about the evolution of the climate system.

Research profile

The team is interested in the role of clouds in climate change. Specific questions are the impact of aerosol particles on clouds, and the subsequent impact on the Earth energy budget, as well as the response of clouds to the warming climate. A new focus is on the interaction between climate change and biodiversity change. Climate models are used at different scales, and the team evaluate these in a process-oriented manner in particular with satellite observations.

enlarge the image: Neben einer Cumuluswolke sind die hohen Eiswolken, die Zirren zu sehen. Darunter ist auch eine linienförmige Zirruswolke, ein Kondensstreifen von einem Flugzeug.
Clouds take a large variety of forms and are affected by human activities. This is particularly visible in contrails. Photo: Johannes Quaas / Universität Leipzig

Focus on research

  • Arctic amplification
  • Interaction climate- and biodiversity change
  • Parameterisation of cloud processes in climate models
  • Satellite observations
  • Global climate change
enlarge the image: In satellite observations the pollution tracks of industrial emissions become visible. Photo Nasa
In satellite observations the pollution tracks of industrial emissions become visible. Photo Nasa

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