Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences
work Institutsgebäude Linnéstraße 504103 Leipzig
Phone: work +49 341 97 - 32400
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer
Vice-Dean for Research Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas
Dean Prof. Dr. Marius Grundmann
Dean of Studies for Physics and Meteorology Prof. Dr. Michael Ziese
Deanery Dr. Annett Kaldich
Secretariat Susan Baeumler
Institutes & Facilities
Welcome to the working group
Climate causality
The following list provides an overview of the members of the Climate Causality Working Group. This list allows you to gain an insight into the diversity and commitment of our team.
The working group investigate the change of the earth system change in to understand climate risks and reduce uncertainties in regional predictions and projections of extreme weather and climate events.
On this website you will find a list of the publications of the Climate Causality Working Group, which provides an overview of all research activities and interests.
Talstraße 3504103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 341 97-32846Telefax: +49 341 97-32899