Our working group embraces a wide array of Earth observations via data-driven research. Long-term observations of multiple Earth system properties encode our knowledge on how land-surface processes respond to climatic variability, extremes and interact with biodiversity and societal transformations. We develop methods to extract the valuable information in these data in order to confront them with models, and gain new insights. We aim at a more profound understanding of changing land ecosystems and their responses to and interactions with climate anomalies.

enlarge the image: Earth System Data Cube, image: Mahecha et al., 2020
enlarge the image: Variables of the Earth System Data Cube visualized as neighboring data cubes
enlarge the image: Sampling high resolution data cubes from global data
enlarge the image: Distribution of humanitarian disasters of the years 1990 to 2020
enlarge the image: UAV orthoimagery documenting a tree mortality hotspot in Andalusia (2023), photo: Clemens Mosig

Working Group Team

Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha

Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha


Talstraße 35, Room 2-06
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32801

 Angelika Brachmann

Angelika Brachmann

Foreign Language Secretary

Talstraße 35, Room 2-19
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32800

 Ida Flik

Ida Flik

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35
04103 Leipzig

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Sarah Habershon

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-13
04103 Leipzig

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Dr. Chaonan Ji

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-07
04103 Leipzig

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Dr. Guido Kraemer

Academic Staff

Talstraße 35, Room 2-17
04103 Leipzig

 Milena Mönks

Milena Mönks

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-04
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32820

 David Montero Loaiza

David Montero Loaiza

Research Fellow / PhD Student

Talstraße 35, room 2-08
04103 Leipzig

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Dr. Karin Mora

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-09
04103 Leipzig

 Clemens Mosig

Clemens Mosig

Research Fellow / PhD student

Talstraße 35, Room 2-04
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 39323

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Kolja Nenoff

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-13
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32814

Dr. Martin Reinhardt

Dr. Martin Reinhardt

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-07
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32803

 Maximilian Söchting

Maximilian Söchting

Research Fellow / PhD student

Talstraße 35, Room 2-08
04103 Leipzig

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Dr. Daria Svidzinska

wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Talstraße 35, Room 2-13
04103 Leipzig

 Khalil Teber

Khalil Teber

Research Fellow / PhD student

Talstraße 35, Room 2-08
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Sebastian Johannes Wieneke

Dr. Sebastian Johannes Wieneke

Academic Staff

Talstraße 35, Room 2-09
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32808

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Sophie Wolf

Research Fellow / PhD Student

Talstraße 35, Room 2-04
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Tobias Braun

Dr. Tobias Braun

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-14
04103 Leipzig

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Julia Peters

Research Fellow

Talstraße 35, Room 2-04
04103 Leipzig

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Xiaona Wang


Talstraße 35, Room 2-08
04103 Leipzig

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