Here we introduce Professor Claudia S. Schnohr from the Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics at our faculty. You will find information about her career, research and teaching, as well as an advice she would give herself as a student.

I would advise myself not to be swayed by others, but to go my own way.
Prof Dr Claudia S. Schnohr
- 2005: Completion of Studies
Physics, Diplom
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Thesis: “Ion-beam induced effects in α-Al2O3 of different orientations at 15 K” - 2009: Doctorate
PhD, Physics
Australian National University Canberra, Australia
Topic: “Atomic-scale structure of crystalline InP, amorphous InP and crystalline Ga1-xInxP alloys” - 2009–2016: Research Assistant
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institute for Solid State Physics - 2016: Habilitation
Dr habil rer nat, Experimental Physics
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Topic: “Complex semiconductors: From atomic-scale structure to band gap bowing” - 2016–2018: Research Assistant, Private Lecturer
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institute for Solid State Physics - since 2019: Professor for Experimental Solid State Physics, Group Leader of the Department “Structure and Properties of Complex Materials”
Universität Leipzig, Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics
In my group, we study the correlation between structure and properties in complex semiconductors on a micrometre to subnanometre scale. The modern, multinary compounds under investigation are used, for example, in thin film solar cells and numerous electronic and optoelectronic devices.
A main focus of our work is the determination of the element-specific atomic-scale structure and its influence on important material properties. Furthermore, structural and compositional inhomogeneity in the nano- to micrometre range often plays a crucial role for the device performance.
A comprehensive understanding of the correlation between preparation conditions, chemical composition and structure as well as electrical and optical properties is indispensable in order to utilise the potential of these material systems even more efficiently in the future. To that end, we mainly apply synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy, but also high-resolution X-ray fluorescence analysis and different electron microscopy methods and we closely collaborate with a large number of national and international research groups.