Here we introduce Dr Daniela Cadamuro from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at our faculty. You will find information about her career, research and teaching, as well as an advice she would give herself as a student.

Pursuing an academic career is challenging in many aspects.
Dr Daniela Cadamuro
- 2007: Completion of Studies
Master of Science, Physics
University of Turin, Italy
Thesis: “Affine theories of gravity in 2 and 3 dimensions” - 2012: Doctorate
PhD, Physics
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Topic: “A characterisation theorem for local operators in factorising scattering models” - 2013–2015: Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
University of Bristol, School of Mathematics, UK - 2015–2016: Research Assistant
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Mathematics - 2017–2018: Research Assistant
Technische Universität München, Department of Mathematics - since 2018: Group Leader (Emmy Noether Programme)
Universität Leipzig, Institute for Theoretical Physics
My main research interests are in relativistic quantum field theory, i.e. the theory which describes the physics of elementary particles.
Models describing interaction among relativistic particles are generally difficult to construct. But examples called “quantum integrable models” in lower dimensions are more amenable to a rigorous construction due to their simplified type of interaction. Here, I am particularly interested in the construction of integrable models with bound states.
These models also represent an ideal context to study lower bounds to the smeared energy density (quantum energy inequalities), which are essential for the stability of spacetime, since they exclude the existence of “exotic” spacetime geometries. My aim here is to show that QEIs exist for interacting models of particles.
Also, I recently became interested in relativistic quantum information theory, in particular on the role of relative entropy in quantum field theory.
- Seminar on „Quantum Information Theory”, MSc Physics, IPSP and Mathematical Physics
- IMPRS Ringvorlesung “Scattering Theory”, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS) for Master students, PhD students and postdocs of Theoretical Physics as well as for PhD students and postdocs of the MPI MIS